

  • 课程概述:TBA
  • 上课时间与地点:TBA
  • 教材:TBA
  • 成绩构成:TBA
  • Office Hour: TBA(什么是Office Hour by jyy@NJU
  • 助教及联系方式:TBA


Week Date Lecture Reading Lab
1 Feb. 21 Overview [Slides] (TBA)
2 Feb. 25 Representation (TBA)
2 Feb. 28 (Lab) (TBA) DataLab
3 Mar. 7 Machine-Level Programming I (TBA)
4 Mar. 11 Machine-Level Programming II (TBA)
4 Mar. 14 (Lab) (TBA) StackLab
5 Mar. 21 Machine-Level Programming III (TBA)
6 Mar. 25 Program Optimization (TBA)
6 Mar. 28 (Lab) (TBA) BombLab
7 Apr. 4 Memory Hierarchy I (TBA)
8 Apr. 8 (Lab) (TBA) PerformanceLab
8 Apr. 11 Memory Hierarchy II (TBA)
9~16 (Prof. Zhen Ling’s Lecture)

实验规则 (临时)

The assignments are the heart of this course. Much of what you learn in this course will be through completing these assignments. (cite: ics-cmu)

  • All labs are due 11:59pm on the shown due date.
  • The late penalty is 15% per day.
  • Each student has 5 grace days for the semester.
  • You can use at most 1 grace day for L1-L3, and at most 2 grace days for L4-L7.
  • You can submit any assignment at most 3 days late.
Borui Li
Borui Li
Ph.D., Assistant Professor
MSc./MEng. Supervisor

My research interests include AIoT system, edge computing, WebAssembly, etc.