[2023-11-14] Speaker:
Fanglei Shu
- [INFOCOM'23] TapFinger: Task Placement and Fine-Grained Resource Allocation for Edge Machine Learning
[2023-11-07] Speaker:
Bing Dong
- [ASPLOS'23] ElasticFlow: An Elastic Serverless Training Platform for Distributed Deep Learning
[2023-10-31] Speaker:
Yitao Wang
- [ATC'23] Decentralized Application-Level Adaptive Scheduling for Multi-Instance DNNs on Open Mobile Devices
[2023-10-17] Speaker:
Tiange Xia
- [NSDI'23] On Modular Learning of Distributed Systems for Predicting End-to-End Latency
[2023-10-10] Speaker:
Weilong Wang
- [ATC'22] Help Rather Than Recycle: Alleviating Cold Startup in Serverless Computing Through Inter-Function Container Sharing
[2023-09-26] Speaker:
Tianen Liu
- [MobiCom'23] Re-thinking computation offload for efficient inference on IoT devices with duty-cycled radios
[2023-09-08] Speaker:
Chengqing Zhao
- [SC'22] SFS: Smart OS Scheduling for Serverless Functions