Borui Li

Borui Li

Ph.D., Assistant Professor
MSc./MEng. Supervisor

Southeast University 东南大学


Borui LI (李博睿) is currently an Assistant Professor at Southeast University, work with Prof. Shuai Wang. He is also with the Key Laboratory of Computer Network & Information Integration, Ministry of Education, China. He received his Ph.D. degree at EmNets Lab supervised by Prof. Wei Dong in the College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University. Prior to that, he received the B.E. degree from Bell Honors School, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications.

E-mail: libr [at] seu [dot] edu [dot] cn

  • LLM-powered Internet of Things
  • AI-native Edge Computing
  • MLSys for AIoT
  • WebAssembly and Serverless
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2017-2022

    Zhejiang University

  • B.E. (honored) in Computer Science, 2013-2017

    Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications

👐 2025年有充足硕士生指标, 欢迎对边缘计算大模型/智能物联网感兴趣、动手能力强的同学报考, 有意向同学请将个人简历发到我邮箱 :) 实验室招生信息参考请见此邀请函~

🤙 同时也随时欢迎对科研有兴趣的大二大三本科生加入我们实验室进行科研训练, 实验室有成熟的科研训练机制, 欢迎联系!

💪 Let’s do something cool together!


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  • [2024-09-02] 😃 Our paper named BLEdge: Edge-centric programming for BLE applications with multi-connection optimization is accepted to ACM TOSN! Congrats to LI Yeming!
  • [2024-05-01] 😃 Our paper named SimEnc: a High-Performance Similarity Preserving Encryption Approach for Deduplication of Encrypted Docker Images is accepted to USENIX ATC 2024! Congrats to SUN Tong!
  • [2024-03-01] 😃 Our paper named dTEE: A Declarative Approach to Secure IoT Applications Using TrustZone is accepted to IEEE/ACM IPSN 2024! Congrats to SUN Tong!
  • [2024-01-31] 😃 Our paper named Privacy-preserving Human Activity Recognition via Video-based Range-Doppler Synthesis is accepted to CSCWD 2024! Congrats to CUI Zhiyuan!
  • [2024-01-27] 🍀 Honored to be enrolled for Zhishan Young Scholar Program of Southeast University !
  • Academic Services

    • Member of Program Committee
      • ACM MobiSys'23 (Artifact Evaluation), IEEE MSN'23
    • Member of Organizing Committee
      • 25th Cross-Strait Information Technology Seminar, 2023.10
      • 3rd National Conference on Intelligent Construction and Operation of Infrastructure, 2022.11
      • 1st/2nd/3rd Provincial Forum of IoT Frontiers, Hangzhou/Ningbo/Hangzhou, 2017.9/2018.7/2019.7
    • Reviewer
      • Conferences: MSN'23, IWQoS'20, MASS'22/‘20, CWSN'23/‘19, EWSN'19/‘18
      • Journals: IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing (TMC), ACM Trans. on Sensor Networks (TOSN), ACM Trans. on Internet of Things (TIOT), IEEE Internet of Things Journal

    Recent SEU AIoTSys Seminar

    Full list »

  • [2024-06-06] Weilong Wang - NSDI'24 : Jolteon: Unleashing the Promise of Serverless for Serverless Workflows
  • [2024-05-23] Hangshuai He - NSDI'23 : Following the Data, Not the Function: Rethinking unction Orchestration in Serverless Computing
  • [2024-05-16] Haoran Ma - MobiCom'22 : Real-time Neural Network Inference on Extremely Weak Devices: Agile Offloading with Explainable AI
  • Students

    • Ph.D

      • Tianen Liu (2021-now, co-advised with Prof. Shuai Wang)
      • Chengqing Zhao (2021-now, co-advised with Prof. Shuai Wang)
      • Weilong Wang (2023-now, co-advised with Prof. Shuai Wang)
    • Master

      • Tiange Xia (2022-now, co-advised with Prof. Shuai Wang)
      • Fanglei Shu (2023-now)
      • Xingcai Zhang (2023-now)
      • Bing Dong (2023-now, co-advised with Prof. Shuai Wang)
      • Yitao Wang (2023-now, co-advised with Prof. Shuai Wang)
      • Lili Pan (2024-now)
      • Haoran Ma (2024-now)
      • Hangshuai He (2024-now)
      • Minyuan Feng (2024-now)
      • Muhan Yuan (2024-now)


    • 2024.02, Zhishan Young Scholar, Southeast University
    • 2023.10, ACM China Doctoral Dissertation Award (Hangzhou Chapter), ACM China
    • 2021.12, National Scholarship, Ministry of Education of the PRC
    • 2021.04, INFOCOM 2021 Student Conference Grant, IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc)
    • 2021.02, Outstanding Intern, Alibaba Inc. and Alibaba-ZJU Joint Institute of Frontier Technology
    • 2020.12, Outstanding Achievement Award for Scientific Outcomes (for project LinkLab), Zhejiang Computer Federation and ZCIA
    • 2020.11, Outstanding PhD Candidate, Zhejiang University
    • 2018.12, Award of Honor for Graduate, Zhejiang University
    • 2017.06, Medal for Undergraduates, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications


    • PI, Wasm-based Serverless Computing for Cloud-Edge Integrated IoT Applications (基于Wasm的云边端协同物联网无服务器计算), The Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, No.BK20230813, 2023.9-2026.8
    • PI, Research on Wasm-based Cloud-Edge-IoT Collaborative Deployment and Scheduling Technologies for AIoT Applications (基于Wasm的云边端协同智能物联网任务部署与调度技术研究), NSFC Grant No.62302096, 2024.1-2026.12

    Invited Talks

    • 2022.11, Low-code Development of IoT Applications for City-scale Sensing (面向市域感知的物联网低代码开发), Invited Talks, Jiangsu Academic Symposium on City Lifelines.

    “The biggest things in life have been achieved by people who, at the start, we would have judged crazy. And yet, if they’d not had these crazy ideas, the world would have been more stupid.”Arsene Wenger on being a trailblazer